Betta Fish Eggs 101: Size, Appearance, Hatching Time & More


Betta Fish Eggs

In the captivating world of betta fish, few experiences match the thrill of witnessing these stunning creatures breed and produce eggs. 

Whether you’re a seasoned breeder or a curious aquarist, understanding the intricate details of betta fish eggs is crucial for successful spawning and raising healthy fry

This comprehensive guide will unveil the secrets behind the size, appearance, hatching time, and other fascinating aspects of these remarkable offspring.

Betta Fish Eggs Quick Overview

Before we delve into the intricate details, let’s start with a quick overview of betta fish eggs. These tiny orbs initially resemble miniature pearls, about 1mm in size and white in color

As the embryo develops, you’ll notice two distinctive black dots – the baby betta’s eyes! Soon, you might even catch a glimpse of the entire embryo’s outline inside the egg.

It’s worth noting that eggs of mouthbrooding betta species are slightly larger, typically ranging from 2-3mm, and take longer to hatch.

What Do Betta Fish Eggs Look Like?

What Do Betta Fish Eggs Look Like?

Now, let’s explore the appearance of betta fish eggs in greater detail. These eggs are not perfectly round but rather have a slightly oval shape. Initially, they are white in color, but as the embryo develops, you’ll witness remarkable changes.

Betta fish eggs are tiny, at around just 1mm in diameter. They are often oval in shape and are white when unfertilized, changing to a light yellow once fertilized.

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Betta Fish Eggs Hatching Time

One of the most exciting aspects of breeding bettas is witnessing the emergence of the fry. But how long does it take for betta fish eggs to hatch? The answer depends on several factors:

  1. Water Temperature: Bettas thrive in warm water, ideally between 78-82°F. Cooler temperatures can slow egg development, while a warmer range around 79-82°F encourages faster growth and a higher survival rate.
  2. Water Quality: High water quality is essential for betta fish eggs. Dirty water can lead to harmful chemicals or excess waste that can damage eggs and fry. It’s crucial to perform a water change before spawning and consider adding catappa leaves or a sponge filter for added protection.
  3. Species Differences: Bubble-nesting bettas have relatively fast-developing eggs, often hatching within 24-72 hours. On the other hand, mouthbrooders like the Betta macrostoma can take upwards of a month for their eggs to hatch.

What If My Betta Fish Eggs Don’t Hatch?

What If My Betta Fish Eggs Don’t Hatch? All of the betta fish eggs that have been fertilized and are viable should have hatched within 3 days following mating.

 Any eggs left after this time may have been infertile or unviable. And as previously mentioned, you are likely to be left with many unfertilized eggs too.

What Do Betta Fish Eggs Look Like During Developmental Stages

Fertilized betta fish eggs will initially remain white in colour, although may turn to very light yellow after around 3 hours. 

The grey spot of the blastula (or early embryo) should also appear around this time [6]. As development continues, the fertilized betta fish eggs may start to become a slightly darker yellow.

Betta Fish Breeding Behavior

Betta Fish Breeding Behavior

During times of betta fish breeding, male bettas build a bubble nest at the surface and attract a female to it. Once a pair is formed, they engage in an elaborate courtship/mating ritual. When the female begins to lay eggs, the male retrieves them and deposits them in the nest.

Male Betta Behaviour During Breeding

Male Betta fish wrap around the female during breeding, a behavior called ‘nuptial embrace. ‘ This helps with fertilizing the eggs as the female releases them. After breeding, the female Betta fish might appear lethargic or exhausted.

How to Know if Betta Fish Eggs Are Fertilized

As a breeder, one of the most crucial aspects is determining whether the betta fish eggs are fertilized or not. Here’s what you need to look out for:

  • Growth and Development: Fertile eggs will show signs of growth, such as those telltale black dots (eyes) and a visible embryo. Close to hatching, you may even spot a tiny fish inside the egg, complete with a white yolk sac.
  • Unfertilized Eggs: These eggs will remain white or become fuzzy with fungus – a clear indication that they won’t hatch. In most cases, the male betta will eat unfertilized or damaged eggs

What Do Unfertilized Betta Fish Eggs Look Like?

Unfertilized betta fish eggs are small, often at around 0.9 to 1 mm in domestic Betta splendens [1], but it is possible for you to see them in the water when your female betta fish spawns. They appear quite white in color and slightly more translucent than once they have been fertilized.

How Many Eggs Do Betta Fish Lay?

The number of eggs a female betta lays can vary significantly, ranging from 100 to 500 eggs in a single mating session. However, the average is generally around 250+.

Several factors influence the egg production of a female betta:

  • Size and Age: Larger, more mature females tend to lay more eggs. While young bettas (2-3 months old) may be sexually mature, waiting until they’re full-grown (around 8 months to a year) yields the healthiest and biggest spawns.
  • Conditioning: Properly conditioning the pair with a high-protein diet can boost egg production. Spawns can range from 30 to an astonishing 500 eggs, though smaller batches are common for less-experienced pairs or mouthbrooders (who typically lay 10-20 eggs).

It’s worth mentioning that female bettas have an oviposter tube, commonly referred to as an “egg spot,” where the eggs come from during spawning.

Size And Age Of Your Female Betta

Size And Age Of Your Female Betta

Normal adult bettas are usually around 3 inches (7.6 cm) in length. Hold a measuring tape up to your fish’s tank and see how long it is. If your betta is less than the average, your betta is most likely a juvenile

Betta Fish Spawning: An Intriguing Dance

The breeding behavior of bettas is nothing short of fascinating. Here’s what you can expect during the spawning process:

Bubble Nest Builders

For bubble nest builders, the male betta creates an elaborate nest of bubbles where the eggs will be protected. This process usually takes a few hours, and the result is a captivating display of foam or bubbles.

During spawning, the male and female engage in a captivating courtship, culminating in the release and fertilization of the eggs. It’s important not to remove the bubble nest, as it serves as a safe haven for the developing fry.

Mouthbrooding Wonders

Certain betta species are mouthbrooders – the male (or less commonly, the female) carries the eggs in their mouth until hatching. This adaptation evolved in environments less suitable for bubble nests, such as streams with strong currents.

To facilitate this behavior, mouthbrooding bettas have larger jaws and unique breeding rituals.

Betta Breeding in the Wild

In their natural habitats, the lush rice paddies and shallow streams of Southeast Asia, betta fish face different challenges than their aquarium-kept counterparts. Their breeding habits have adapted to these environments in fascinating ways:

  • Temporary Homes: Wild bettas often breed in temporary puddles or small pockets of water, where their eggs are less likely to be found by predators.
  • Beyond the Bubble Nest: Not all betta species build bubble nests. Some scatter their eggs among vegetation for dispersal.
  • Mouthbrooding Adaptations: Mouthbrooding bettas often inhabit streams with a slight current, making bubble nests impractical. Their larger jaws evolved to protect their developing young.

What Do Infected Betta Fish Eggs Look Like?

Unfertilized or unviable betta fish eggs that have been infected by fungi can appear more translucent than the yellow color of fertilized eggs. But you’ll also see a cotton-like white mass appear around infected eggs which is quite easy to spot [7].

Caring for Betta Eggs

Caring for Betta Eggs

Once your bettas have spawned, it’s crucial to provide the right care for the eggs to ensure a successful hatch. Hygiene is the key:

  • Carefully remove any unfertilized eggs to prevent fungus from harming the healthy ones.
  • Experienced breeders may use gentle water siphoning or natural antifungals like methylene blue or Indian almond leaves.

Fry Development and Care

After hatching, the journey continues with the care and development of the betta fry:

  • Minuscule Meals: Newborn betta fry are incredibly tiny and need specialized live food called infusoria for the first few days.
  • Growth Stages: Within a week, fry become free-swimming and can eat slightly larger foods like baby brine shrimp. Soon, you’ll witness the emergence of their vibrant colors!

Betta Fish Eggs vs. Other Fish Eggs

While betta fish eggs share some similarities with other fish species, they also possess unique characteristics:

  • Bubble Nest Architects: Most aquarium fish don’t create bubble nests. If you see eggs in a nest, it’s likely your bettas!
  • Dedicated Mouthbrooders: Carrying eggs in the mouth is also exceptional behavior, setting mouthbrooding bettas apart.

Final Thoughts

Breeding bettas and caring for their eggs is a fun and learning experience. From the fancy bubble nests to the mother or father fish carrying the eggs in their mouth, bettas are always amazing. 

If you are breeding bettas for the first time or if you have done it before, you need to be patient and make sure you give the bettas the right conditions. 

With the proper preparation and care, watching the tiny betta fish eggs hatch into lively baby bettas is an unforgettable reward.


How long do betta fish eggs take to hatch? 

Betta fish eggs typically hatch within 24-72 hours for bubble-nesting species, while mouthbrooders can take up to a month. The hatching time depends on factors like water temperature, quality, and species.

How many eggs can betta fish lay? 

Female bettas can lay anywhere from 100 to 500 eggs in a single spawning session, with an average of around 250 eggs. The number varies based on the fish’s size, age, and conditioning.

What do I do if my betta lays eggs? 

If your female betta lays eggs, ensure the eggs are fertilized by a male. Remove any unfertilized eggs to prevent fungal growth, and maintain optimal water conditions for the eggs to hatch successfully.

Do betta fish lay eggs without a male? 

No, betta fish do not lay fertile eggs without a male present to fertilize them. Unfertilized eggs laid by a female betta will not develop or hatch into fry.

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